Enough tears have shed...

When parents separate today, they are often separated from their children as well.

We think that shouldn't be the case anymore. Children need both parents , as required by law.

Unfortunately, this is often not the case in reality. Children lose contact with a parent even though the parent doesn't want it. They get into a so-called conflict of loyalty. The child is overwhelmed and as a result believes that the other part has to be rejected, even that it actually has to split off from itself.

This is unhealthy, especially for the child. It suffers in the moment and, as a result, for life.

For the estranged parent, this is also associated with endless suffering and sorrow. The child doesn't want to see you anymore. For no apparent reason. The child is so desperate that at the same time it completely separates from itself the grandparents, the half-siblings and in general all the people of the other parent.

It is a sign of complete helplessness, of desperation!

Enough of the tears!

We want to put an end to this, here and now. Children need both parents, they also and especially in such difficult times need their grandparents, siblings, yes, the whole family environment.

These children need our help!
Join us, help us to finally stop this mental abuse.

We launched the "enough tears" campaign to get politicians to take action and authorities to enforce the law. Together with other European countries, we want the "welfare of the child" to be taken seriously and politicians to finally work for our concerns and, above all, for the children.

Enough tears have shed, it's time to take action and change that!

Parent-child alienation describes active or passive behavior of a parent towards a child, which puts a strain on the relationship between the child and the other parent. The child gradually adopts the alienating parent's perspective and attitude and is forced to deny his formerly positive relationship with the alienated parent. In the final stage, the contact between the child and the estranged parent breaks off and the child himself rejects any contact. Parent-child alienation is an evolving process that places a massive burden on children and causes lasting damage well into adulthood – often spanning generations. Parental alienation is a form of psychological child abuse.

In order to be able to speak of parent-child alienation, there must be an active, but not compulsory but conscious, negative influence on the child-parent relationship.

Parent-child alienation is not spoken of in the following cases, even if alienation occurs:

  • The child's rejection has a legitimate cause, such as B. Violence, abuse or neglect.
  • A parent himself breaks off contact with the child after a separation.
  • Parents and children “grow apart”, but can still tell each other about positive and negative experiences.
  • The child has never had a relationship with the rejected parent (e.g. separation and loss of contact during pregnancy)

Here are the 17 most common alienating behaviors .

Already 10 francs are enough!

Please support our work: With a donation of just 10 francs, you will help us to put up two posters in a Swiss city for a week and thus inform many more people about the abuse of parent-child alienation. Only if we succeed in mobilizing the population will the pressure on politicians and the judiciary become so great that a change in favor of the children affected will succeed. Join now, it doesn't even take a minute!

Thank you to our partners and sponsors: